You are welcome to
Saint Mark Men's Outreach
Long Term Outreach
Transitional Center
Our Outreach

Long Term Outreach
Saint Mark's Center provide a long term outreach home in a religious settings to Men who are ready to live the gospel lives

Transitional Center
Saint Mark's Center provide a home to bridge the gab between being homeless and getting back on one's feet.

Religious Shelter
Saint Mark's Center welcome men into Monastic life to dedicate their lives to the service of others through the Church Ministry
We are a long term outreach center, the length of stay is determined by the individual here. There is spiritual counseling offered by the clergy. This is a good place to get your life back on track, and have the guidance and help you need

Metropolitan Mark
Outreach center for men. Long term outreach not an emergency shelter.
Saint Mark’s Center is a Men’s outreach home that provides shelter, guidance, and structure for men. Men live in a religious environment and are encouraged to seek employment, counseling, and spirituality in order to improve their quality of life.
We use counseling and a supervised living environment to give men the opportunity to achieve their goal of independent living.
Unlike emergency shelters, we provide long-term housing for men who are homeless or displaced. Men are given a living space, food, and an address that can be used in seeking employment or for utilization of social services.
We at Saint Mark’s believe in a holistic approach to improving an individuals’ quality of life socially, psychologically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually while focusing on mind, body, and spirit.
St. Mark’s center is dedicated to providing homeless and displaced men with the tools and direction to become independent as well as sustain self-reliance.
We at St. Nicholas believe that in providing the opportunity to improve their lives that the individual, as well as the community, benefits from them becoming productive members of society.
At St. Mark’s Center, individuals are provided with job search assistance, transportation facilitation, a permanent address/residence, meals, referrals for drug/alcohol and mental health, and on-site pastoral counseling is available.
We are not an emergency or overnight shelter. We provide long-term or “bridge” housing. Please see requirements for residency.
We normally accept applications for residency from other centers/programs but we also accept individual applications.
Saint Mark’s Center takes referrals from other shelters and organizations for men seeking a safe and moral home. We also take applications from individuals.
We currently have housing for six men. We plan to expand in the near future with more supports from our benefactors. For more information see our requirements or write us at here
Our center is a non-profit, charitable, tax exempt, 501(c)(3) organization(in process). It is a faith-based home open to people of all faiths and backgrounds.
The chapel is inside the Saint Mark’s Center, a mission for homeless men. Services are Sundays and Holy Days.
We are a Religious outreach center bridging the gap between being homeless and getting a person back on their feet. .